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Tropical Leaves

Sexuality Education

Certified by the Our Whole Lives program.
Unless noted otherwise, classes will be structured by age/grade levels. 

Sexuality Education classes will be taught as workshops and full course classes.

Consent classes are scheduled as facilitators are available, or by request.
Please contact me for tailoring a lesson/s. Pricing is dependent upon time and materials provided. 

*Please check social media and Services page for an event post.


Consent Classes

Consent classes are held (when available) for different age groups, they are often held in public spaces.

Most notably, K-12 grade consent classes have frequently been held at Pride Lafayette, Inc for a small fee.

You can contact me to hold this class for your private group at schools or business.

Most available classes will be added to the website, but will also be posted on social media platforms

Young Adults

 18 - 35 years old.

 Helps participants navigate young adulthood with accurate information, increased self-knowledge, enhanced safety and strengthened interpersonal skills


 Young Adults and Sexuality, Mind and Body, Sexual Pleasure, Keeping Your Body Healthy, Exploring Gender, Sexual Orientation, Communication, Relationships, Love and Commitment, Boundaries and Boundary Violations, Family Matters, Sexual Fantasy and Variation, Advocacy and Education

Relationship Styles

I will facilitate (when available) relationship styles workshops/classes discussing the multitude of relationship styles and dynamics. We will cover a lot of discussion on the various ethical non-monogamy dynamics; explore what monogamy means; what boundaries are and what ones do we have in relationships; etc.

Most classes will be added to the website, but will also be posted on social media platforms.

Secondary Education

Secondary education curriculum is written by grade level.

Due to the comprehensive nature of the curriculum, it is accessible and adaptable to most developmental and cognitive needs.

  • 7-9 grade

A sexuality education program for youth that models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. A holistic program that moves beyond the intellect to address the attitudes, values, and feelings that youth have about themselves and the world. Topics include body image, social media/internet, bullying/bystander responsibilities, and consent education.

  • 10-12 grade

This program helps senior-high youth gain the knowledge, life principles and skills they need to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways. 

Topics covered:

Sexual Health-Learning About Our Bodies, Sexual Health-Taking Care of Our Sexual Selves, Sexual Health-Making Safer Choices, Lifespan Sexuality-Exploring Our Sexual Development, Lifespan Sexuality-Becoming a Parent, Lifespan Sexuality-Expressions of Sexuality, Building Healthy Sexual Relationships-Communication, Building Healthy Sexual Relationships-Intimacy, Masturbation, and Lovemaking, Building Healthy Sexual Relationships-Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships, Sexuality and Social Issues-Reproductive Rights, Sexuality and Social Issues-Power and Control, Sexuality and Social Issues-Equality

Lessons can be tailored for individual or group classes for parents who want private lessons, homeschool groups and private/public schools. 


Adult education curriculum is 35 years and older. Using values and communication skills, this program explores sexuality issues for adults of all ages. Builds understanding of healthy sexual relationships, affirms diversity and helps participants accept and affirm their own sexuality throughout their lives.

Middle Age Adults 35+


Sexuality and Values, Sexuality and Communication, Sexuality and Spirituality, Discovering the Sexual Self, Experiencing the Sexual Other, Sexual Attraction and Early Relationships, Sexuality and Developing Relationships, Sexuality and Committed Relationships, Sexual Diversity, Sexuality and Family, Sexuality and Aging, Sexual Health

Elder Adults


Sexuality and Values; Attitudes about Aging; Examining Sexual Scripts; The Sexual Body; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity; Intimacy; Sexual Consent and Boundaries; Family Matters; Sexuality and Loss; Reframing Sexuality, Disability, and Chronic Illness; Body Image; Dating as an Older Adult; Safer Sex; and Sex Play Beyond Basics.

Early Education

Early education curriculum is written by grade level.

Due to the comprehensive nature of the curriculum, it is accessible and adaptable to most developmental and cognitive needs.

  • K- 1 grade

 Supports parents in educating children about birth, babies, bodies and families. Engages children with stories, songs and activities while learning. 

  • 2-3 grade 

Caregivers of children in this age group have the choice of K-1, 4-6, or a tailored combination of materials. Which ever is best for the child developmentally.

  • 4-6 grade

This comprehensive, developmentally appropriate program introduces key topics like values, body image, gender and sexual identity, peer pressure, and healthy relationships with sensitivity and inclusiveness

Lessons can be tailored for individual or group classes for parents who want private lessons, homeschool groups and private/public schools.

I co-facilitated the Our Whole Lives sexuality education program with Amber Gibson for preschoolers through middle schoolers. She is knowledgeable, engaging, and full of enthusiasm for the content. More than that, she is caring and committed to providing a safe space for students to have a voice. She truly listens and her compassion makes a remarkable difference in her students’ lives, comfort, and confidence in being their whole selves.

- Nicole M., D.R.E. at  U.U.C.T.C.

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