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Tropical Leaves

Yoga & Meditation

I have been facilitating yoga and meditation classes for nearly 20 years. Although I began teaching in fast paced vinyasa style classes, I have expanded and learned more styles and techniques over the years and prefer to facilitate classes with more emphasis on feeling comfortable, strong and aligned within the body. 

If a service is not listed on the booking page, please email to set an appointment here



30 - 60 min personalized meditation only lesson focused on your personal goals that day

Emotional Regulation Lessons

I am available and insured to teach emotional regulation yoga & meditation classes in schools and businesses. I have been successfully implementing this course in one of local middle schools with great reception from students and teachers/staff.

Restorative Yoga

This particular class helps with muscular and joint stiffness, as well as allowing you to release mental and physical tension with deep stretching. With this class, you will learn and practice stretches and relaxation techniques you can apply at home or in the office.


 * no prior experience or fancy clothes/props required.


When available, I will hold special classes or workshops with specific focuses or with guest facilitators.

Trauma Informed Yoga

This 30-60 min lesson is a wonderful compliment to your therapy work (self-guided or professional) to help embody your work and to emotionally and systemically reregulate. It allows you space to get out of the story-telling mode of therapy to help feel your feelings and relearn feelings of safety, self-trust and comfort within your self. 

 It will be much like most meditation, restorative or flow classes in postures and mindful/intentional breathing depending on what you need that session. 


 The structure of this class will be different in these ways:


* I will use invitational and inquisitive language to guide you thru poses and breathing

* No touching for adjustments unless you specifically ask

* I will not pace the room during instructions or practice. I will mostly be seated in one place during the whole class unless I need to change lighting.

* No props will be used without prior consent and forewarning. I understand that props -like straps- can be a harmful trigger and will keep it to a minimum.

* I recognize students as experts on their bodies and experiences.

* I aim to create a safe, comfortable space that is empowering for all students. You may leave when ever you want/need.

* I strive to provide multiple options for yoga poses recognizing that there is no “ideal” shape and some poses may feel unsafe for you in your practice.

I had the pleasure of taking one of Amber's yoga classes while visiting family. My mom and I were both impressed with her class and how she could tailor to suit my level of experience with my newcomer mom. It was a very relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and I would recommend her to anyone. I just wish I lived closer, so I could take her classes regularly! 

- N.H.

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